
From the time we wake up to the moment we go to bed, we have many decisions to make. Whether or not we make the right decisions is up to us. I find that no matter how many promises I make with myself that I will get everything I need done without motivation, I will fail. None of us are perfect, and aren't created to be perfect. Although distraction is all too fond for our attention, and is ready to fight for it. Our decisions everyday require us to decipher whether we are willing to give into them.

Distraction is one of my greatest faults. I am easily distracted from school work, and even my spiritual life by things that truly don't matter (ex. Netflix, social media, social life, etc.). When you make priorities in your life, and you begin to set aside different things above those, you're giving the impression that those things are above your main priorities and making them new ones.

For this reason, I find that there are 3 things you must do to subdue your distractions.

1. Find your Main Priorities
2. Recognize your Distractors
3. Go over your Goals each morning to stay focused

The most important times that you will find the need to motivate yourself is in the morning and once in the beginning of the week. Have a plan for yourself each week and morning. Write down the little things that you need to accomplish, because the crossing out of these things will boost your motivation to do the more rigorous of tasks.

Paul writes in 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have stayed on course and finished the race, and through it all, I kept believing."

Brothers and Sisters remember where God has brought you and take comfort in knowing that the road doesn't end there. There are mighty plans set before you, if only you remain focused and keep fighting the good fight.


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