2019 and the Path to Peace

With this incoming year what are you expectant of? 

2018 has brought happiness in so many aspects of my life. Although along with happiness the year brought sadness and heartache. Sometimes in our day to day life we can get so content living in our own comfortability with things that stimulate what the world calls "the good life." Things that are now expected for millennials consist of three things: technology and social media, staying up to date with all of the current trends in fashion, and maintaining a social life and following. These expectations can be so exhausting for our generation. This is the reason, I believe, that you hear about the rise in mental health issues in young people. We focus on comparing ourselves to others that we see trotting around on Instagram trying to make their lives look perfect when we can't see the struggles lying behind closed doors. I have fallen victim in the trap of comparison and longing for what others had. This has lead me down a road of apathy this year.

I think I have forgotten what it meant to live a peaceful and joyful life. I get so easily caught up in what's going on around me I neglect to take care of myself. I forget that my source of peace and joy is found in Jesus, and I forget that the way to peace and joy is spending time with Him. I can lay down, and just wonder why am I feeling this way? When I have yet to lay myself before the Prince of Peace. 

Because the path to peace is in our reach and graspable, I have come up with some goals for my 2019. I urge everyone to make a set list of goals for the incoming year that they plan on achieving, unlike a list of resolutions that will be forgotten in the next week. 

1. I want to refreshen and IGNITE my relationship with God. I long to wake up every        morning and choose joy instead of anger and selfishness.
2. I want to be healthy not just physically, but in MIND & SPIRIT.
3. I want to build my FRIENDSHIPS into what the Lord desires.
4. I want to choose LOVE over anything else in life, and not to be pessimistic. 

2019 will be a year of mindful prosperity, and love. Choose JOY friends and walk out your days seeking the one who imparts this joy onto us. 

"Early in the morning my soul shall rise to thee."


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