Be Grateful for Family

Going to a university 16 hours away can really show you the importance of family. 

I started school here in BC in September, and coming near to the fourth month of my stay here I knew I had to go home and see my family. I have never thought I would be the person to get homesick. Although, what I have realized is that your heart really longs to be with people who know the inns and outs of you and your personality. You want to be with the people that will hold you and make you feel like you’re home in their presence. You long mostly for the advice of the person you trust with the secrets of your life. 

With these things weighing in on me, I knew I wanted to come home. What a better time to go than on Thanksgiving! I packed my bags and headed for sunny California! No one but my mom knew I was coming, so it was a surprise for everyone! I cherished the moments I went home, but it just made me even more reluctant to go back to a school where I have yet to find those who know me completely. 

Seeing my family and leaders in life made me realize how much I truly appreciate home. When you’re surrounded by the same people for a long amount of time, you begin to take certain things for granted. I have missed looking at the children running in the park next to my house with the sun beaming on their fresh faces, and hearing their chirping laughs fill the air. I have missed going out with my friends and staying up for hours talking about life and how God is moving! I have missed sitting in the church office and listening to the stories of the leaders of the church, or waking up at the crack of dawn every Sunday to prepare coffee and donuts to welcome the guests of the church. 

Although, I am far away I know it is for a reason. So, I keep my head high knowing there is a purpose in the distance. If you are feeling homesick, remember that God places us in seasons. We have to remain in the path of His glory to see where we are headed. Although you may be weary, keep yourself on the narrow path and continue to seek Him.

 A wise man once told me that no matter where I go, I need to give it my all; that no matter if my audience is big or small I need to give it everything I have, because I wouldn’t know if one person in that audience can be the one person to change my life.

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” — Hebrews 13:7

*If you want to see my Vlog of me going home click the link below!


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