Get to Know Me

Thank you so much for viewing my blog!
I've wanted to create this for awhile now.
For this page I just wanted to tell you a little about myself,
and what my plans are for this blog.

Firstly, I am 18 years old.
I'm a freshman in college at Trinity Western University in Langley, BC.
I work in a small boutique in Fort Langley known as Little White House. 
(information will be linked below)
I have a loving family and an assortment of amazing friends!
My mother and father, Laura and Charlie raised four children 
in small San Leandro, California.
My eldest sister is Samantha, followed by Olivia.
Not far behind is the only boy, Levi.

Jesus stole my heart my sophomore year I high school.
I began attending Faith Fellowship Foursquare Church.
There I made many great influences in my life, that continue to guide me.

In September of 2017 I moved up to British Colombia, Canada.
Although, moving to the border of Canada and the US may seem indifferent,
There have definitely been many culture shocks.

So to explain my plans for this blog,
I want to have a platform to share the wisdom I have acquired through life.
I want to share my art, whether it be through makeup, journaling, or photography.
I want to be able to help encourage you in hard times.

Thank you so much for listening!
Please subscribe to hear more from me ♡


    (Little White House)
    (Faith Fellowship)


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