Wait on the Lord's Blessings

One of the biggest lessons I have learned in life, is to wait on the Lord’s blessings. 

In May of 2016, I made my way to a Hillsong United concert with my youth group. I never would have known that this night would be a pivotal moment in my life. After hearing announcements about various things, a man came on stage to promote a small university in Canada called Trinity Western. I instantly felt a pull towards the school that I’ve ever felt before. This was the first time that I felt a purpose for myself, or a future. So with that in mind, I didn’t take immediate action. I only researched the school every now and then. Although, almost every night I asked God to reveal to me what His plans were for me and this school. 

In August of 2016, I made my way to another concert. All the while still asking God to open up doors for what seemed like a new path in my life. This day turned out to be a day of blessings for me. While walking to the bathroom with a couple of friends, I stumbled across a table that said, “Trinity Western University”. Once again I stumbled across this school. I immediately introduced myself to the woman in control, and she became an amazing leader in my life and this journey. She began to explain to me more about what the school had to offer me as an American student, and once I told her my prayer story she tried her hardest to get me to visit the school.

Later that fall I visited the school, and knew the moment that I stepped on campus that this is where God is going to plant me. It wasn’t always that easy though. . . There were times that I doubted if this was God’s handy work or my own will. Although each time a doubt would enter my head or it seemed like doors weren’t opening, God ALWAYS pulled through. Doors were opened through: scholarships, financial aid, grants, reimbursements, and most of all the increasing support of my family. This was all gradual, and Satan continuously tried to lead me astray and make me feel unworthy of the blessings given to me. I didn’t know I would be moving to another country until a couple of weeks before the move in date. I was a couple of thousand dollars short from what I needed to go, and right before I was ready to give up. My church gave me a grant that was the exact amount that I needed, with a little left over. It was like God literally showed me there was no need to worry, that He had it all in control. So although I still don’t know how I might pay for my next year, I am content in knowing there is a purpose for me to be here this year.

So wait on God’s blessings! If you’re in a season of dryness or a valley of pain, know that there is a season of blessings waiting to rain down on you! For all of you struggling with doubts about God’s plan for you, just know that prayer works! God is good, and wants to bless us. He is just waiting for you to remain faithful and trust in Him. Every moment that you feel alone and the world is working against you, the Lord has his arms of protection around you. Remain hopeful, and remain faithful.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
—Lamentations 3: 22-24


  1. I’m so glad that you trusted God to provide for you and guide you. He will never fail you! I can’t wait to see what’s next... so so proud!


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